Friday, April 24, 2009

To Ladies

Every time i turn around one of my friends is having problems with their significant other. I don't like it it pains me to see them go through pain. If i could take away their pain i would but most of them dig their own graves that's why its hard to save them from themselves.
Ladies you all deserve better if your love isn't being nice and treats you otherwise than you would like please walk.No one deserves to be in an abusive relationship. Abuse doesn't have to only be physical;most people go through emotional abuse and they never talk about it and as much as physical is more popular than emotional although its the latter one that is damaging.
You are a princess and you should be treated like one so if your love is not doing so please hint that you would prefer to be treated like one. I tell you some people can be dense and need some pointers. If they can't do it find someone who would listen to you and do you well whatever it is that makes you happy. OK Babes?
Yours truly
Just a Passer By.

My Way

Current mood: Calm

In this life however many trials and tribulations you may go through there is always hope that comforts you to anticipate for the best.That is why Hope dies last. You can try to smile and the happiest you get is crying your heart out;that doesn't mean you should stay down and keep being there.Stand up and dust yourself and move on .The memories and experiences that happen during the past are teachings to make the future you a better person doubt about that however painful they may be the better and intensely appreciated will the future you be for all you accomplish and be.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Gay Hilarious storm

How funny is this like really? Moving on i have always had a crush on Sophia Bush oh i know this ... its the voice yes ..i tell you and the dark hair that's it. Anyways i love this parodies they do drive the message home and hopefully they can open people's mind.

And talk about Stephen Colbert

lets roll the tape shall we?

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Colbert Coalition's Anti-Gay Marriage Ad
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorGay Marriage Commercial


Let's Kiss

Hey Lovely ladies here show us a sneak peak at kissing lets watch shall we?

Watch Lovely lesbian kiss in Entertainment  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Very Cute i must say.I was just fascinated by them even though i don't understand Spanish thanks to body language i know whats going on.